Our unique learning technology enables collective action for unlocking your organizational potential.

This technology works as an interplay across three dimensions of human systems capability:

  1. Inner Development: helping people develop their inner capacity to make sense of situations and events that otherwise seem to make no sense. Reconnecting people to what gives them access to their potential. Creating new personal stands beyond the internal dialog and stories that are holding us back.

  2. Relationship Intelligence: helping people develop new skills in the area of communication, relationship and conversation. For the most part, we are not all that great in this area. And yet, in an environment that calls for rapid response, our capacity for effective communication and relationship is all the more key. 

  3. Systems Intelligence: helping people develop their ability to operate effectively within the context of groups and group dynamics--not just cognitively but also emotionally. Again, traditionally we’re not so good at this--but in today’s world we need to be.

The structure of an engagement

Sensemaking: an intake session in which you will experience our unique learning architecture while we try to make sense of your challenges. We’ll also explain more about the possible interventions and the value this could have for your organization.

Discovery: a discovery session to dive deeper into the challenges with the key players in the organization. This is an opportunity to experience even more of our coaching and conversational interaction and get a deeper sense of how we work. The key here is to establish, early on, a strong spirit of mutuality and collaboration. This step is intended to be useful in itself to your organization.

Offer: don’t call us, we’ll call you. If we feel we can add value to your organization, we will propose a set of interventions based on what we learned in the discovery session, and the investment needed to bring this about. This is an inflection point where a decision is to be made by us and by you.

Probe -> Sense -> Respond: if a broader organizational assessment is needed, this will be a separate proposal. We engineer such a broader assessment through a series of Action Learning cycles, each of which is structured around the Cynefin Probe->Sense->Respond loop. We expect to work closely with people within the system in these cycles which occasion opportunities to teach, and otherwise catalyze learning with those people we collaborate with, in some of the distinctions as they relate to group dynamics, development, etc.

A Sample Intervention: ‘Wedge’ Intervention

A “wedge” intervention is a relatively brief intervention that is intended to drive a small, but disproportionately impactful “wedge” into a particular organizational fault line. A “fault line” is some part, or some aspect of your organization, that in some way compromises your overall performance. 

Evolvagility offers a number of wedge interventions. One such offer is what we call a Strategic Alignment Wedge. This particular Wedge is intended to reveal the fault lines that lead to organizational mis-alignment, and to begin the process of bringing about the broader, organizational conditions necessary to increase shared alignment, ownership, and commitment.